Friday, March 20, 2020

Re edit blog

Today we did the re edits. I was not able to attend the re edits. The reason is the Corona virus. The corona virus has worsened in Florida. Since I have chronic lung disease, I’m even more at risk. Chronic lung disease makes me more vulnerable to the corona virus. I am currently stuck in my home . I cannot leave to go anywhere because of my mom and grandma. They are making me stay home so I do not get the virus. The corona virus has affected my live pretty badly. I cannot go anywhere. Because of this, i was not able to help our group edit so our project may suffer.  My family has also been affected by the corona virus. My grandma is at risk to contract it since she is older. So she also must stay here. There is a special time for seniors to go shopping and do other things for the virus. Since other older people might have it, my grandma has just decided to stay home. My other group members also have older family members that are at risk. Because of the corona virus, the re edits may have not been the best they could be.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Re Filming Blog

Today we did refilming for the project. I did the same thing as the last time. Holding the reflector. Since it wasn’t raining, there wasn’t a need for the umbrella. The refilming included the street shots and house shots. Since it’s the refilming, I had to hold the reflector the same way as before. I would hold it up as our actor opened up the door during a shot. Because of the new virus, we were not able to film the park shots. The park area would have people and they could possibly be sick. The park also might of been closed because of the virus. So we did not refilm the park shots. Instead, we spent some time editing after. The new corona virus is affecting Florida. Florida is one of the most affected states in the U.S. The corona virus is mostly in Italy, and China right now. Refilming also included the inside shots. I held the reflector on our actor for the inside shots. And I also held the water bottles when we went outside, since it was hot. Even though refilming could not be done for the park shots, we had more time for the other shots. That helped them improve and get better for the reshoots.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing blog - Finishing Editing

Today the group edited the project. I worked on helping the group find the finishing touches for the project. Some of the changes are music changes. We also changed the sound. The white noise and ambient sound was added. The songs I chose were decided between and added to the video. Since there was still no response from the artists, we used Moby gratis. One of their songs was edited to where it looked like our actor was pressing play to start the song. Then when the actor took off the headphones later it would stop. It would have been nice to be able to use some of the songs we chose from artists, but the music choice was still ok for the project. There were also changes to the titles. Some of them were moved and made more clear. We made our own white noise for the video at first. Then, the group and I decided that it would be better to use one of the websites I found for the white noise. The sound would be clearer and there would be a larger variety of choices for sound. The ambient sounds however, we recorded from outside. The choices on the website I found did not suit our project. There was also discussion on whether or not to add dog noises. The dogs would bark while they were on camera to add noise. The dog we used on set never barked, so it was decided against.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog - Sounds, and titles

Today the group and I worked on sounds. I worked on the music for the project. I had to find a song that would work for the video. The song had to be an epic style song for the video. Like songs heard from the lord of the rings. They would play when the character wakes up. I wasn’t able to edit the titles with the rest of the group. So I’ll talk more about the sound research. Some of the song choices were “Shy” by Local natives, and “Sapphire” by Grasshapa. Neither artist responded to our emails. Instead, I looked on a site called “Premium beat” To find royalty free music. I found some of the music to use for the video on this website. Most of the music on the website was fine for our video. Another one of the websites we used was called Moby gratis. This website is for filmmakers and I looked for things with ambient noise. Using Moby gratis I looked for more song choices in case the artists never responded.  The third website was  This was for more ambient sounds.  Ambient sounds to find there would be bird and forest ambience, and morning sounds. The fourth website was fesliyanstudios.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Peer Review

Today we reviewed another group’s project. We exchanged flash drives and we had to fill out a paper about their video. This groups video did not have any titles. They didn’t have things like “directed by” or “music by”. This video was about 2 teens walking through the forest. They split up and then are murdered by the villain. While the villain is on screen, they have the music playing in the background. They did not have all of the components that we had to review. They did not have a pan or tilt. And they did not have an action match. Something the group did good on was the music choice. They chose good music to portray the villain’s scary looks for the movie. They had good lighting for their project. There were no tripods visible in the shot. Their project ran only one minute and twenty two seconds. That is not enough and is something they need to improve. They need to have 2 minutes. They also need to add in the titles which is important to the project.  There was diegetic sound throughout the film. They had a good over the shoulder shot too.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Editing blog- Choosing shots

Today our group and I edited the project. I helped edit the project. I chose the shots for the video. Also editing them to 2 minutes. There was a flash drive with all the shots we used. I had to choose the good ones. Then I would name them. Then put them in another folder. The folder would be named “chosen footage”. They were in sequential order based on the storyboard. There were 3 folders of shots. From the 3 different days we filmed. Then, the selected shots were moved to cut down. The editing software was Final Cut Pro X. The shots needed to be shortened down from 7 minutes originally. To the time 2 minutes. Each shot needed to be cut with the blade tool. Then go back to select and delete the parts. Then, there was editing to put the film in sequential order. And then clean up any not so good transitions.

Audiences and Institutions Pratice Essay

Film 5. I n relation to the media area you have studied, discuss the ways audience consumption has changed over time. Audience consum...